Rotate phone to read blog
Posted June 6, 2006 at 12:00 am


A few of you may have noticed yesterday that the vote comic went unchanged, and a wholly new comic appeared here on the webpage. This is because I decided a little late that the votey comic was INADEQUATE.

So, in a grand gesture of apology, there is not only a brand spankin' new comic here on the home page, but also a new votey comic as well. Thanks for making SMBC #1.

In more EXCITING NEWS, the new Chason! webpage will be going up Monday. This comic will feature America's favorite debatably successful lecher in his hair-raising exploits every M-W-F. This, unlike most of what I've done in the past, will be a very plot-based strip, with storylines taking up 10-20 pages each. So, basically, if you like SMBC, you'll actively hate Chason!

Finally, I and another guy have formally taken ownership of Sketch Battle. For those looking through it, be fair warned, some of the archives are a bit OFF COLOR. However, we're hoping to get things looking a little more professional and improve things where we can.


PS: If we get some good questions in the forum, there'll be a new podcast up this weekend.
