[2013-Jun-02] Falling

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Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Liriodendron_fagotti » Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:29 pm

Which is hardly less embarrassing.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Oldrac the Chitinous » Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:23 am

If you don't, people will just think you got scared right out of your clothes.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Sahan » Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:59 am

If you do attempt it, keep a note on you that says you were attempting to do the first striptease whilst free-falling. That way you'll come out a winner whether you live or die.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by smiley_cow » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:57 pm

I don't know. Do you think I can do it under 3 minutes?

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by ReasonablyLazy » Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:44 pm

So here's a question: Would fashioning a makeshift parachute out of my shirt, pants, and jacket I wear everywhere help?

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Liriodendron_fagotti » Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:26 pm

Sahan wrote:The great thing about tandem jumping (which is what I did, was that I was just looking up at the ceiling when I get pushed off. I imagine it would have been much more daunting if I saw what I was about to leap into.
I'm not scared of the heights, looking over as I leaped sounds exhilarating.

Kaharz wrote:
Liriodendron_fagotti wrote:I think there are a couple within an hour or so of my house. I might be able to spend the thousands of dollars when I'm done with my education, circa never.
Apparently a place just opened fairly close to where live and very close to where I work. I heard the ad on the radio yesterday. Too bad I'm broke.

Of the eighteen years since I started college, I've been enrolled at least part time for twelve of those years and so far I only have one and half undergrad degrees. With any luck I'll be done my second bachelors in a few more years of part time semesters.
Oohf. Hope I get out before then.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Kaharz » Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:42 pm

Liriodendron_fagotti wrote:I think there are a couple within an hour or so of my house. I might be able to spend the thousands of dollars when I'm done with my education, circa never.
Apparently a place just opened fairly close to where live and very close to where I work. I heard the ad on the radio yesterday. Too bad I'm broke.

Of the eighteen years since I started college, I've been enrolled at least part time for twelve of those years and so far I only have one and half undergrad degrees. With any luck I'll be done my second bachelors in a few more years of part time semesters.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Liriodendron_fagotti » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:10 am

DonRetrasado wrote:
Liriodendron_fagotti wrote:Pretty much whenever I'm at the top of a cliff I want to jump off of it.
If you need help, I can push you.
I appreciate all the help I can get.
Kaharz wrote:
Liriodendron_fagotti wrote:Jumping out of a plane is one of my greatest desires. I want to do that squirrel suit thing too. And hang-gliding. Pretty much whenever I'm at the top of a cliff I want to jump off of it.
I'd like to skydive, but almost everyone I know who has done it said something along the lines of, "So I did the two training tandem jumps, got hooked on it, and then I went and spent a couple of thousands dollars on equipment." The closest places to skydive by my house are also at least two hours away and in New Jersey.
I think there are a couple within an hour or so of my house. I might be able to spend the thousands of dollars when I'm done with my education, circa never.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Sahan » Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:05 am

The great thing about tandem jumping (which is what I did, was that I was just looking up at the ceiling when I get pushed off. I imagine it would have been much more daunting if I saw what I was about to leap into.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Kaharz » Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:22 am

Liriodendron_fagotti wrote:Jumping out of a plane is one of my greatest desires. I want to do that squirrel suit thing too. And hang-gliding. Pretty much whenever I'm at the top of a cliff I want to jump off of it.
I'd like to skydive, but almost everyone I know who has done it said something along the lines of, "So I did the two training tandem jumps, got hooked on it, and then I went and spent a couple of thousands dollars on equipment." The closest places to skydive by my house are also at least two hours away and in New Jersey.

I've been on a lot of cliffs, I don't think I've ever had the desire to jump off of one. Possibly to rappel, but even after doing that a lot, I still find the first bit where you sit back over the edge to be absolutely terrifying. I'm not scared of heights, just sudden stops.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Sahan » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:42 am

I've gone skydiving once, which a few months ago. It was pretty fun, but what they never tell you is that the blast of air as you hurtle downwards is like a giant blow-dryer for your mouth, all the saliva was gone after about 20 seconds. It's probably one of the reasons why you need to wear goggles now that I think about it.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by DonRetrasado » Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:20 am

Liriodendron_fagotti wrote:Pretty much whenever I'm at the top of a cliff I want to jump off of it.
If you need help, I can push you.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Liriodendron_fagotti » Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:54 am

Kaharz wrote:I assume the red zone is the point at which if you don't deploy your parachute, you will meet the ground at a much higher speed than you intended. I've known some skydivers and gone up in a plane with them, but I've never jumped because that is an insanely expensive hobby.
I joined the skydiving club at my university last year, but funding was low so there were never any trips except for a full price one, which was about $200.

Jumping out of a plane is one of my greatest desires. I want to do that squirrel suit thing too. And hang-gliding. Pretty much whenever I'm at the top of a cliff I want to jump off of it.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Kaharz » Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:46 am

Edminster wrote:I'd wager that it's not terribly easy to gauge distance when you've just got a vast expanse of white ahead of you.
That is one of the hypotheses. The guy who survived due to his AAD said when he checked his altimeter he was shocked to see he was already in the 'red zone'* and pulled his rip cord. Apparently the AAD deployed his chute before he actually pulled the cord all the way though. All three jumpers who died were still in the free fall position when they hit. The plane they were on was also not equipped with auxiliary oxygen and there is speculation that they may have been suffering from hypoxia which would have made it incredibly difficult for them to judge their altitude and free fall time. The tandem team, who had taken more precautions than the single jumpers, also commented that the extreme cold over Antarctica at that altitude was rather disorienting and one of the single jumpers didn't even have his face covered, just goggles.

*I assume the red zone is the point at which if you don't deploy your parachute, you will meet the ground at a much higher speed than you intended. I've known some skydivers and gone up in a plane with them, but I've never jumped because that is an insanely expensive hobby.

Re: [2013-6-2] Falling

by Lethal Interjection » Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:19 pm

Edminster wrote:
smiley_cow wrote:
Kaharz wrote:I remember a story about some of the first skydivers to jump in Antarctica. Four singles and a tandem pair jumped. The tandem jump went fine, but only one of the four singles survived and that was because his automatic activation device deployed his chute. Two of the other jumpers never deployed their chutes and the other pulled it so late that most of it was still in the bag when he hit the ground. All three were killed instantly. The impact reportedly pushed them several feet into the snow pack.
What went wrong?
I'd wager that it's not terribly easy to gauge distance when you've just got a vast expanse of white ahead of you.
This was also my guess.
