Need help with plumbing in Texas

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Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Koller »

I’m reaching out to this community in hopes of finding a solution to a persistent plumbing issue that’s been plaguing my home in Dallas, Texas. Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed an unexplained increase in my water bill, along with damp spots on my living room floor. I suspect it might be a slab leak, given the soil conditions here in Texas, but I’m not entirely sure.

Has anyone else experienced something similar? What steps did you take to diagnose and fix the problem? Any recommendations for reliable plumbers in the Dallas area who specialize in this kind of issue?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Rujika »

Hey there! I feel your pain. Unexplained water bill hikes and damp floors definitely sound like signs of a slab leak, especially in Dallas. I had a similar issue last year. I got a plumber who specializes in slab leaks to diagnose the problem. They were able to locate the leak and fix it. In terms of recommendations, I went with local Plumbing service upon Texas and they were great! Definitely recommend getting a professional involved for both diagnosis and repair. Good luck!


Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Tonyfad »

Hey there! Ditto on the pain! Just went through something similar myself last month. Unexplained water bill and damp spots had me worried sick. In my case, it was a slab leak for sure.
I ended up calling a specialist plumber. They were able to find the leak pretty quickly and get it all patched up.


Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Hathapasse58 »

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Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Persival »

If there are any plumbing problems, it's best to fix them as soon as possible. Do you know how much your water bills can go up if you just have a dripping or leaking bathroom faucet? You can seriously overpay on your bills.


Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Kilrar »

I try to have all my plumbing checked at least once a year and that includes sewer lines. I used to live in an old house where plumbing problems were something everyday. Now the house is new, but my habit remains. I prefer plumbing services and home drain maintenance service by Ben's Plumbing, considering that it is one of the best plumbing companies I have used.


Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by Fenimor »

I think it is best to find a good service where they put and do everything at once reliably and quickly. I also do not really like that often break something in pipes and it's really bad.


Re: Need help with plumbing in Texas

Post by BrownJerry »

I have noticed many times that one of the most difficult problems in repair is sewerage. The rest is not so difficult because it does not have such specifics. For example, after using service of anta plumbing it quickly becomes clear that it is not so easy to understand that pipes have started leaking at home. This usually promises a lot of unexpected troubles and something needs to be done quickly. Therefore, such things are useful to know, I think.

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