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Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:07 pm
by ruotwocone
Simon. wrote:I'm all up for it, as long as it doesn't happen in the next 4 days which it won't. IYAMSHAPED. Who doesn't go over 7GB of downloads in a month with 3 people on the connection? Damnit, Australia needs proper internet! But as for the game, HELLS YEAH. I played with some of the other SMBC peeps at our hugely successful event the other day, and they seemed like pretty cool guys, many friended me, despite not needing to as I am on their group list. How am I to decline though? By clicking decline? NOT LIKELY FASCIST. I suppose they were pretty good at TF2 as well? It's hard to tell with 2 people to a team, large games are needed for more funs.
they put download limits on internets down there? wow. Also, if we end up playing Bigger than Cheeses, you better know what's best for you and side with us... or else*

**...because not participating would be lame

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:12 pm
by Lethal Interjection
I hear you on the 7 gig thing. That was similar to our plan at first (me and my roomate) but we were going well over without even downloading stuff or using file-sharing. We then upgraded, to 30gig or unlimited (I thought it was roughly 30, but I'm not sure, we haven't hit any max yet).

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:42 pm
by ruotwocone
so seriously, you guys have internet plans priced not only on the speed of the connection, but on the maximum amount of downloading as well? Blasphemy and shenanigans I say! Down with the empire! Burn the women and children!

Casual Killing of other webcomics

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:43 am
by Frostbite
I would be down for that whole games against other webcomics or some other such nonsense. This is my first time to post here but I did in fact attend that event last week.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:56 am
by Saral
So like, is the server fixed and stuff yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:51 am
by marTAY
It was down for a little bit, but now it's back up again. I'm considering it a development server for testing. IN PARTICULAR, there's some TF2 sneakery I'm planning. Even if the connection is mediocre, would people be interested in helping me test.. whatever.. it is.. I'm doing.. or not doing?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:51 am
by marTAY
Oh wait.. sorry.. server up soon (it's updating)

Regarding TF2, but not the server

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:09 am
by Frostbite
I'm having a problem with TF2 and Steam in general. I am unable to currently play TF2 due to when I try to play it, Steam tries to update, gets to 26% and comes up with an error saying I can only run one copy of Steam at a time.

I submitted a report to Valve. I was just wondering if anyone here knew anything.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:58 pm
by ruotwocone
i'm always up for sneakery

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:25 am
by Havock
HEY GUYS! long time no see. omfg I just got Team Fortress 2 tonight after wondering why the Quake TF server has been down so much. And you guys have Team Fortress 2!!!!!! Hell Yes! Man now we can Pwn each other like the old days hey chez whiz and maarty :D

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:37 am
by marTAY
Well, *I* can pwn.. Not sure about you...... PWN!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:29 pm
by Simon.
So I thought I'd share my awesome TF2 experience with you guys, since you obviously care a whole fucking lot. It was great, I was playing hydro as a sniper, and got an unzoomed killshot on a scout jumping off a cliff towards our point. Unzoomed. It was wasn't a headshot, mind, but it was still fucking awesome. They probably thought I was hacking.*

Then on the next Hydro map, some engineer and I were both caught on fire, and racing towards health on different sides of the canyon top. I yelled out "MINE" on voice chat, and got there first too, living to enjoy the next moment to come, when he raced past me, yelled "FUC-" and died. Oh man it was great, I won the race of life! Anyway then he went on for about 5 minutes about how much of a noob I was (despite me being top of the scoreboard).

Still, great great times. It's a good game and you should all get it right now.

*Which I've seen a few people doing lately, it seems someone came up with a hack finally. Not to mention the new engineer exploits I've been seeing appearing under the floor in gravel pit. Fuck that's annoying

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:07 pm
by ruotwocone
Simon. and I played a night or two ago and were all like BLAM! remember how i was all 1st place and you were all like 4th or something equally as disappointing?

also those gravel pit underground turrets are quite annoying

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:50 pm
by Frostbite
I haven't played TF2 in quite awhile...