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[2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:21 am
by Astrogirl


ONRE ... Octopus Nazarenus Rex E...? What's the E for?

And another comic about how God was made in the image of humans. Take that, Christians!

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 9:31 am
by Corwin
Wait, where's the latest comic gone??

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:03 pm
by Astrogirl
What are you talking about? It's right there.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:55 pm
by kaelung
No, it's not. Not anymore anyway, saw it earlier today.

Probably removed due to threats from octopus catholic integrists.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:35 pm
by Astrogirl
Maybe you should click refresh. It's all there. Or click on the link in the first post of this thread.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:42 pm
by Oldrac the Chitinous
The E stands for Ewwdeorum.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:37 pm
by alatre

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:47 pm
by salty-horse
If it's an analogy with human crucifixion, his 2 legs were on the vertical plank, so an 8-limbed octopus cross should have only 6 arm-planks instead of the comic's 8.
(Nitpicking myself: Actually, that's 3 planks since a single plank goes through the vertical one and is used for two arms).

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:11 pm
by Jericho
what in the heck does the votey mean?

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:14 pm
by Jericho
salty-horse wrote:If it's an analogy with human crucifixion, his 2 legs were on the vertical plank, so an 8-limbed octopus cross should have only 6 arm-planks instead of the comic's 8.
(Nitpicking myself: Actually, that's 3 planks since a single plank goes through the vertical one and is used for two arms).
I think we are to understand that Octopus Jesus was crucified with his body in the middle and his eight arms sticking out. Why would it have to happen in a perfect analogy?

But wouldn't crucifixion be less of an event underwater where the force of gravity would not matter as much. I suppose you would still starve.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:38 pm
by SSherman
Hey Zach just a quick suggestion you could have click navigating for the comics for instance if you clicked on the comic itd take you to the next one or to the top of the page.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:53 pm
by CommieGold
Jericho wrote:
salty-horse wrote:If it's an analogy with human crucifixion, his 2 legs were on the vertical plank, so an 8-limbed octopus cross should have only 6 arm-planks instead of the comic's 8.
(Nitpicking myself: Actually, that's 3 planks since a single plank goes through the vertical one and is used for two arms).
I think we are to understand that Octopus Jesus was crucified with his body in the middle and his eight arms sticking out. Why would it have to happen in a perfect analogy?

But wouldn't crucifixion be less of an event underwater where the force of gravity would not matter as much. I suppose you would still starve.
I think having nails hammered into your wrists is pretty unfun gravity or not. :|

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:55 pm
by Lethal Interjection
CommieGold wrote:I think having nails hammered into your wrists is pretty unfun gravity or not. :|
But you wouldn't die.

I like the fact that this comic is textless. I'm not sure if Zach's done one before (he's done plenty with very little text), but it is definite respite from the direction he's been going with SMBC.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:21 pm
by ChaoticBrain
This is the Far Sidiest comic yet.

Re: [2011-Sep-07] Octopus Jesus

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:32 pm
by Edminster
Thanks, ChaoticBrain, for reminding me of this blast from the past:

Sheriff Dani wrote:Let me put this to fucking rest right the fuck now. This is not directed at anyone in particular, but I'd like to address this issue for absolutely everyone, because I've heard this more than once.

Zach's comic is not The Far Side, nor has he ever attempted to emulate The Far Side. I think you're having trouble distinguishing SMBC from The Far Side because they are both single panel comics, and they are both funny. There aren't that many single panel comics, and of those that exist, maybe three of them are funny. Just because Zach is successful should not give you the right to put him in your underdeveloped analytical crosshairs. It's not his fault Gary Larson came first, and it's not his fault that Gary Larson retired.

Why don't you try being funny? Try it. Let's see how far you get. Are you funny? Can you update consistently, every day of the week? Try it, I dare you. Not only that, but try drawing guest comics and ads for other sites in your 'spare time' after working a full time job at an agency like he does.

SMBC is original, creative, and really fucking funny. I don't see any similarities between its content and The Far Side's content at all. I think you're just confusing two hilarious one panel comics because that's the only other great one panel example that jumps to mind.

If you enjoy SMBC, it's not because its creator emulates someone. It's because you enjoy quality work and don't settle for puns and political snooze fests. And if you're too simple to distinguish good stuff from other good stuff, then I feel sorry for you.

In a way, it can be considered a compliment to be compared to someone so loved and talented. But at the same time, you should recognize the fact that Zach puts time and effort into his original jokes and art, and really stresses over its creations. You should recognize the fact that even though Gary Larson was talented and it's nice to be compared to someone like that, it can also be considered very rude.

You're not giving Zach the respect he deserves for being original; you're just being lazy and lumping him together with someone else with no real grounds for doing so.