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Robot Apocalypse 3639 (2015-02-12)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 4:24 pm
by a1s
(Disclaimer: I get the joke. it's not Zack's best, IMHO, but that's not my problem)

What I don't get is: If you expect that you can give commands to robots (and the character does) why wouldn't you go straight for "don't dismember me" or (if you don't think you can give negative orders) "stay 100 miles away from me"?

Re: Robot Apocalypse 3639 (2015-02-12)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:09 pm
by Omega
My guess would be "the robot may choose whether or not to follow a command, but once they begin to follow a command, they can't stop".

Re: Robot Apocalypse 3639 (2015-02-12)

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:22 am
by Casey
This would be a good question to ask the robot.

Re: Robot Apocalypse 3639 (2015-02-12)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:58 pm
by Grest
The only instances of the "calculate pi" thing that I can recall are
[*] The Star Trek episode where an evil energy being was hiding in the ship's computer; in that case they still had control of the computer itself and the point of telling it to calculate pi was to starve the being of free resources by occupying the computer with busy work
[*] The Doctor Who episode where Pertwee's Doctor and Sarah get marooned on a planet due to an ancient abandoned city draining the TARDIS's power; the Doctor couldn't get proper access to the city's main computer system in the time he had available but he was able to disassemble a piece of it and hard-wire in some self-contradictory commands that would eventually tie up enough resources to cause the whole thing to crash.