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[2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:22 am
by Tony
Zach Weinersmith wrote:There really needs to be an evolutionary version of every field.
Okay, how about:
  • Evol. Acarology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mites
  • Evol. Aceology - science of the evolution of remedies, or of therapeutics; iamatology.
  • Evol. Acology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in medical remedies
  • Evol. Acoustics - science of the evolution of sound
  • Evol. Adenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in glands
  • Evol. Aedoeology - science of the evolution of generative organs
  • Evol. Aerobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in airborne organisms
  • Evol. Aerodonetics - science or study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gliding
  • Evol. Aerodynamics - dynamics of the evolution of gases; science of movement in a flow of evolving air or gas
  • Evol. Aerolithology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in aerolites; meteorites
  • Evol. Aerology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the atmosphere
  • Evol. Aeronautics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in navigation through air or space
  • Evol. Aerophilately - study of the evolution of the collecting of air-mail stamps
  • Evol. Aerostatics - science of the evolution of air pressure; evolving art of ballooning
  • Evol. Agonistics - study of the evolution of the art and theory of prize-fighting
  • Evol. Agriology - comparative study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in primitive peoples
  • Evol. Agrobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in plant nutrition; soil yields
  • Evol. Agrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in agricultural soils
  • Evol. Agronomics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in productivity of land
  • Evol. Agrostology - science or study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in grasses
  • Evol. Alethiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in truth
  • Evol. Algedonics - science of the evolution of pleasure and pain
  • Evol. Algology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in algae or the study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in pain
  • Evol. Anaesthesiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in anaesthetics
  • Evol. Anaglyptics - study of the evolution of the art of carving in bas-relief
  • Evol. Anagraphy - study of the evolution of the art of constructing catalogues
  • Evol. Anatomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the structure of the body
  • Evol. Andragogy - theory and practice of education of adults
  • Evol. Anemology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wind
  • Evol. Angiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in blood flow and lymphatic system
  • Evol. Anthropobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in human biology
  • Evol. Anthropology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in human cultures
  • Evol. Aphnology - science of the evolution of wealth
  • Evol. Apiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bees
  • Evol. Arachnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in arachnids
  • Evol. Archaeology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in human material remains
  • Evol. Archelogy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in first principles[1]
  • Evol. Archology - science of the evolution of the origins of government
  • Evol. Arctophily - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in teddy bears
  • Evol. Areology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in Mars
  • Evol. Aretaics - science of the evolution of virtue
  • Evol. Aristology - study of the evolution of the science or art of dining
  • Evol. Arthrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in joints
  • Evol. Astacology - science of the evolution of crayfish
  • Evol. Astheniology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in diseases of weakening and aging
  • Evol. Astrogeology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in extraterrestrial geology
  • Evol. Astrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in influence of celestial objects on humanity
  • Evol. Astrometeorology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in effect of stars on climate
  • Evol. Astronomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in celestial bodies
  • Evol. Astrophysics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in behaviour of interstellar matter
  • Evol. Astroseismology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in star oscillations
  • Evol. Atmology - the science of the evolution of aqueous vapor
  • Evol. Audiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in hearing
  • Evol. Autecology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ecology of one species
  • Evol. Autology - scientific study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in oneself
  • Evol. Auxology - science of the evolution of growth
  • Evol. Avionics - science of the evolution of electronic devices for aircraft
  • Evol. Axiology - science of the evolution of the ultimate nature of value
  • Evol. Bacteriology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bacteria
  • Evol. Balneology - science of the evolution of the therapeutic use of baths
  • Evol. Barodynamics - science of the evolution of the support and mechanics of bridges
  • Evol. Barology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gravitation
  • Evol. Batology - the study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in brambles
  • Evol. Bibliology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in books
  • Evol. Bibliotics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in documents to determine authenticity
  • Evol. Bioecology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in interaction of life in the environment
  • Evol. Biology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in life
  • Evol. Biochemistry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in chemical processes within and relating to living organism
  • Evol. Biometrics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in biological measurement
  • Evol. Bionomics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in organisms interacting in their environments
  • Evol. Botany - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in plants
  • Evol. Bromatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in food
  • Evol. Bryology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mosses and liverworts
  • Evol. Cacogenics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in racial degeneration
  • Evol. Caliology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bird's nests
  • Evol. Calorifics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in heat
  • Evol. Cambistry - science of the evolution of international exchange
  • Evol. Campanology - study of the evolution of the art of bell ringing
  • Evol. Carcinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in crabs and other crustaceans
  • Evol. Cardiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the heart
  • Evol. Caricology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sedges
  • Evol. Carpology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fruit
  • Evol. Cartography - science of the evolution of making maps and globes
  • Evol. Cartophily - study of the evolution of the hobby of collecting cigarette cards
  • Evol. Castrametation - study of the evolution of the art of designing a camp
  • Evol. Catacoustics - science of the evolution of echoes or reflected sounds
  • Evol. Catalactics - science of the evolution of commercial exchange
  • Evol. Catechectics - study of the evolution of the art of teaching by question and answer
  • Evol. Cetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in whales and dolphins
  • Evol. Chalcography - study of the evolution of the art of engraving on copper or brass
  • Evol. Chalcotriptics - study of the evolution of the art of taking rubbings from ornamental brasses
  • Evol. Chaology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in chaos or chaos theory
  • Evol. Characterology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in development of character
  • Evol. Chemistry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in properties and behaviours of substances
  • Evol. Chionology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in snow
  • Evol. Chirocosmetics - study of the evolution of the art of manicure
  • Evol. Chirography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in handwriting or penmanship
  • Evol. Chirology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the hands
  • Evol. Chiropody - study of the evolution of the medical science of feet
  • Evol. Chorology - science of the evolution of the geographic description of anything
  • Evol. Chrematistics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wealth; political economy
  • Evol. Chronobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in biological rhythms
  • Evol. Chrysology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in precious metals
  • Evol. Ciselure - study of the evolution of the art of chasing metal
  • Evol. Climatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in climate
  • Evol. Clinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in aging or individual decline after maturity
  • Evol. Codicology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in manuscripts
  • Evol. Coleopterology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in beetles and weevils
  • Evol. Cometology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in comets
  • Evol. Conchology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in shells
  • Evol. Coprology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in pornography
  • Evol. Cosmetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cosmetics
  • Evol. Cosmology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the universe
  • Evol. Craniology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the skull
  • Evol. Criminology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in crime; criminals
  • Evol. Cryobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in life under cold conditions
  • Evol. Cryptology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in codes
  • Evol. Cryptozoology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animals for whose existence there is no conclusive proof
  • Evol. Ctetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the inheritance of acquired characteristics
  • Evol. Cyclonology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes
  • Evol. Cynology - scientific study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in dogs
  • Evol. Cytology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in living cells
  • Evol. Dactyliology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rings
  • Evol. Dactylography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fingerprints
  • Evol. Dactylology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sign language
  • Evol. Deltiology - collection and study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in picture postcards
  • Evol. Demography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in population
  • Evol. Demology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in human behaviour
  • Evol. Demonology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in demons
  • Evol. Dendrochronology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tree rings
  • Evol. Dendrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in trees
  • Evol. Deontology - theory or study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in moral obligation
  • Evol. Dermatoglyphics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in skin patterns and fingerprints
  • Evol. Dermatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in skin
  • Evol. Desmology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ligaments
  • Evol. Diabology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in devils
  • Evol. Diagraphics - study of the evolution of the art of making diagrams or drawings
  • Evol. Dialectology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in dialects
  • Evol. Dioptrics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in light refraction
  • Evol. Diplomatics - science of the evolution of deciphering ancient writings and texts
  • Evol. Diplomatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in diplomats
  • Evol. Docimology - study of the evolution of the art of assaying
  • Evol. Dosiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in doses
  • Evol. Dramaturgy - study of the evolution of the art of producing and staging dramatic works
  • Evol. Dysgenics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in racial degeneration
  • Evol. Dysteleology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in purposeless organs
  • Evol. Ecclesiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in church affairs
  • Evol. Eccrinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in excretion
  • Evol. Ecology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in environment
  • Evol. Economics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in material wealth
  • Evol. Edaphology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in soils
  • Evol. Egyptology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient Egypt
  • Evol. Ekistics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in human settlement
  • Evol. Electrochemistry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in relations between electricity and chemicals
  • Evol. Electrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in electricity
  • Evol. Electrostatics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in static electricity
  • Evol. Embryology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in embryos
  • Evol. Emetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in vomiting
  • Evol. Emmenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in menstruation
  • Evol. Endemiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in local diseases
  • Evol. Endocrinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in glands
  • Evol. Energetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in energy under transformation
  • Evol. Enigmatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in enigmas
  • Evol. Entomology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in insects
  • Evol. Entozoology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in parasites that live inside larger organisms
  • Evol. Enzymology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in enzymes
  • Evol. Ephebiatrics - branch of medicine dealing with the evolutionary process of adolescence
  • Evol. Epidemiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in diseases; epidemics
  • Evol. Epileptology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in epilepsy
  • Evol. Epistemology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in grounds of knowledge
  • Evol. Eremology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in deserts
  • Evol. Ergology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in effects of work on humans
  • Evol. Ergonomics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in people at work
  • Evol. Escapology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in freeing oneself from constraints
  • Evol. Eschatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in death; final matters
  • Evol. Ethnogeny - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in origins of races or ethnic groups
  • Evol. Ethnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cultures
  • Evol. Ethnomethodology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in everyday communication
  • Evol. Ethnomusicology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in comparative musical systems
  • Evol. Ethology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in natural or biological character
  • Evol. Ethonomics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in economic and ethical principles of a society
  • Evol. Etiology - science of the evolution of causes; especially the evolution of the causes of disease
  • Evol. Etymology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in origins of words
  • Evol. Euthenics - science concerned with improving living conditions
  • Evol. Exobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in extraterrestrial life
  • Evol. Exoplanetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in exoplanets
  • Evol. Floristry - study of the evolution of the art of cultivating and selling flowers
  • Evol. Fluviology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in watercourses
  • Evol. Folkloristics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in folklore and fables
  • Evol. Forestry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the creation, management, use, conservation, and repair of forests and associated resources
  • Evol. Futurology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in future
  • Evol. Garbology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in garbage
  • Evol. Gastroenterology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in stomach; intestines
  • Evol. Gastronomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fine dining
  • Evol. Gemmology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gems and jewels
  • Evol. Genealogy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in descent of families
  • Evol. Genesiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in reproduction and heredity
  • Evol. Genethlialogy - study of the evolution of the art of casting horoscopes
  • Evol. Geochemistry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in chemistry of the earth's crust
  • Evol. Geochronology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in measuring geological time
  • Evol. Geogeny - science of the evolution of the formation of the earth's crust
  • Evol. Geogony - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in formation of the earth
  • Evol. Geography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in surface of the earth and its inhabitants
  • Evol. Geology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the earth
  • Evol. Geomorphogeny - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the origins of land forms
  • Evol. Geoponics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in agriculture
  • Evol. Geotechnics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in increasing habitability of the earth
  • Evol. Geratology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in decadence and decay
  • Evol. Gerocomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in old age
  • Evol. Gerontology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the elderly; aging
  • Evol. Gigantology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in giants
  • Evol. Glaciology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ice ages and glaciation
  • Evol. Glossology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in language; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the tongue
  • Evol. Glyptography - study of the evolution of the art of engraving on gems
  • Evol. Glyptology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gem engravings
  • Evol. Gnomonics - study of the evolution of the art of measuring time using sundials
  • Evol. Gnosiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in knowledge; philosophy of knowledge
  • Evol. Gnotobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in life in germ-free conditions
  • Evol. Graminology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in grasses
  • Evol. Grammatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in systems of writing
  • Evol. Graphemics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in systems of representing speech in writing
  • Evol. Graphology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in handwriting
  • Evol. Gromatics - science of the evolution of surveying
  • Evol. Gynaecology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in women’s physiology
  • Evol. Gyrostatics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rotating bodies
  • Evol. Haemataulics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in movement of blood through blood vessels
  • Evol. Hagiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in saints
  • Evol. Halieutics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fishing
  • Evol. Hamartiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sin
  • Evol. Harmonics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in musical acoustics
  • Evol. Hedonics - part of ethics or psychology dealing with pleasure
  • Evol. Helcology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ulcers
  • Evol. Heliology - science of the evolution of the sun
  • Evol. Helioseismology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations
  • Evol. Helminthology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in worms
  • Evol. Hematology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in blood
  • Evol. Heortology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in religious feasts
  • Evol. Hepatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in liver
  • Evol. Heraldry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in coats of arms
  • Evol. Heresiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in heresies
  • Evol. Herpetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in reptiles and amphibians
  • Evol. Hierology - science of the evolution of sacred matters
  • Evol. Hippiatrics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in diseases of horses
  • Evol. Hippology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in horses
  • Evol. Histology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the tissues of organisms
  • Evol. Histopathology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in changes in tissue due to disease
  • Evol. Historiography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in writing history
  • Evol. Historiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in history
  • Evol. Homiletics - study of the evolution of the art of preaching
  • Evol. Hoplology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in weapons
  • Evol. Horography - study of the evolution of the art of constructing sundials or clocks
  • Evol. Horology - science of the evolution of time measurement
  • Evol. Horticulture - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gardening
  • Evol. Hydrobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in aquatic organisms
  • Evol. Hydrodynamics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in movement in liquids
  • Evol. Hydrogeology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ground water
  • Evol. Hydrography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in investigating bodies of water
  • Evol. Hydrokinetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in motion of fluids
  • Evol. Hydrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in water resources
  • Evol. Hydrometeorology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in atmospheric moisture
  • Evol. Hydropathy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in treating diseases with water
  • Evol. Hyetology - science of the evolution of rainfall
  • Evol. Hygiastics - science of the evolution of health and hygiene
  • Evol. Hygienics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sanitation; health
  • Evol. Hygiology - hygienics; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cleanliness
  • Evol. Hygroscopy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in humidity
  • Evol. Hygrometry - science of the evolution of humidity
  • Evol. Hymnography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in writing hymns
  • Evol. Hymnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in hymns
  • Evol. Hypnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sleep; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in hypnosis
  • Evol. Hypsography - science of the evolution of measuring heights
  • Evol. Iamatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in remedies
  • Evol. Iatrology - treatise or text on medical topics; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in medicine
  • Evol. Iatromathematics - archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology
  • Evol. Ichnography - study of the evolution of the art of drawing ground plans; a ground plan
  • Evol. Ichnology - science of the evolution of fossilized footprints
  • Evol. Ichthyology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fish
  • Evol. Iconography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in drawing symbols
  • Evol. Iconology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in icons; symbols
  • Evol. Ideogeny - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in origins of ideas
  • Evol. Ideology - science of the evolution of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behaviour
  • Evol. Idiomology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in idiom, jargon or dialect
  • Evol. Idiopsychology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the psychology of one's own mind
  • Evol. Immunogenetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in genetic characteristics of immunity
  • Evol. Immunology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in immunity
  • Evol. Immunopathology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in immunity to disease
  • Evol. Insectology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in insects
  • Evol. Irenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in peace
  • Evol. Iridology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the iris; diagnosis of disease based on the iris of the eye
  • Evol. Kalology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in beauty
  • Evol. Karyology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cell nuclei
  • Evol. Kinematics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in motion
  • Evol. Kinesics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gestural communication
  • Evol. Kinesiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in human movement and posture
  • Evol. Kinetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in forces producing or changing motion
  • Evol. Koniology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in atmospheric pollutants and dust
  • Evol. Ktenology - science of the evolution of putting people to death
  • Evol. Kymatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wave motion
  • Evol. Labeorphily - collection and study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in beer bottle labels
  • Evol. Larithmics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in population statistics
  • Evol. Laryngology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in larynx
  • Evol. Lepidopterology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in butterflies and moths
  • Evol. Leprology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in leprosy
  • Evol. Lexicology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in words and their meanings
  • Evol. Lexigraphy - study of the evolution of the art of definition of words
  • Evol. Lichenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in lichens
  • Evol. Limacology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in slugs
  • Evol. Limnobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in freshwater ecosystems
  • Evol. Limnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bodies of fresh water
  • Evol. Linguistics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in language
  • Evol. Liturgiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in liturgical forms and church rituals
  • Evol. Loimology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in plagues and epidemics
  • Evol. Loxodromy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sailing along rhumb-lines
  • Evol. Magirics - study of the evolution of the art of cookery
  • Evol. Magnanerie - study of the evolution of the art of raising silkworms
  • Evol. Magnetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in magnetism
  • Evol. Malacology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in molluscs
  • Evol. Malariology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in malaria
  • Evol. Mammalogy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mammals
  • Evol. Manège - study of the evolution of the art of horsemanship
  • Evol. Mariology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the Virgin Mary
  • Evol. Marine Biology– study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the Oceans Ecosystem
  • Evol. Mastology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mammals
  • Evol. Mathematics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in magnitude, number, and forms
  • Evol. Mazology - mammalogy; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mammals
  • Evol. Mechanics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in action of force on bodies
  • Evol. Meconology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in or treatise concerning opium
  • Evol. Melittology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bees
  • Evol. Melology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in music; musicology
  • Evol. Mereology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in part-whole relationships
  • Evol. Mesology - study of the evolution of ecology
  • Evol. Metallogeny - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the origin and distribution of metal deposits
  • Evol. Metallography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the structure and constitution of metals
  • Evol. Metallurgy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in alloying and treating metals
  • Evol. Metaphysics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in principles of nature and thought
  • Evol. Metapolitics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in politics in theory or abstract
  • Evol. Metapsychology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nature of the mind
  • Evol. Meteoritics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in meteors
  • Evol. Meteorology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in weather
  • Evol. Methyology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in alcohol
  • Evol. Metrics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in versification
  • Evol. Metrology - science of the evolution of weights and measures
  • Evol. Microanatomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in microscopic tissues
  • Evol. Microbiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in microscopic organisms
  • Evol. Microclimatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in local climates
  • Evol. Micrology - study of the evolution of the discussion of trivialities
  • Evol. Micropalaeontology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in microscopic fossils
  • Evol. Microphytology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in very small plant life
  • Evol. Microscopy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in minute objects
  • Evol. Mineralogy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in minerals
  • Evol. Molinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mills and milling
  • Evol. Momilogy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mummies
  • Evol. Morphology (disambiguation) - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in forms and the development of structures
  • Evol. Muscology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mosses
  • Evol. Museology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in museums
  • Evol. Musicology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in music
  • Evol. Mycology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in funguses
  • Evol. Myology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in muscles
  • Evol. Myrmecology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ants
  • Evol. Mythology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in myths; fables; tales
  • Evol. Naology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in church or temple architecture
  • Evol. Nasology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the nose
  • Evol. Nautics - study of the evolution of the art of navigation
  • Evol. Nematology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nematodes
  • Evol. Neonatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in newborn babies
  • Evol. Neossology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nestling birds
  • Evol. Nephology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in clouds
  • Evol. Nephrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the kidneys
  • Evol. Neurobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in anatomy of the nervous system
  • Evol. Neurology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nervous system
  • Evol. Neuropsychology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in relation between brain and behaviour
  • Evol. Neurypnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in hypnotism
  • Evol. Neutrosophy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the origin and nature of philosophical neutralities
  • Evol. Nomology - the science of the evolution of the laws; especially of the mind
  • Evol. Noology - science of the evolution of the intellect
  • Evol. Nosology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in diseases
  • Evol. Nostology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in senility
  • Evol. Notaphily - study of the evolution of the collecting of bank-notes and cheques
  • Evol. Numerology - pseudoscientific study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in numbers
  • Evol. Numismatics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in coins
  • Evol. Nymphology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nymphs
  • Evol. Nanotechnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nanite
  • Evol. Obstetrics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in midwifery
  • Evol. Oceanography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in oceans
  • Evol. Oceanology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in oceans
  • Evol. Odontology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in teeth
  • Evol. Odonatology– study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in dragonflies and damselflies
  • Evol. Oenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wines
  • Evol. Oikology - science of the evolution of housekeeping
  • Evol. Olfactology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the sense of smell
  • Evol. Ombrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rain
  • Evol. Oncology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tumours
  • Evol. Oneirology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in dreams
  • Evol. Onomasiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nomenclature
  • Evol. Onomastics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in proper names
  • Evol. Ontology - science of the evolution of pure being; the nature of things
  • Evol. Oology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in eggs
  • Evol. Ophiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in snakes
  • Evol. Ophthalmology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in eye diseases
  • Evol. Optics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in light
  • Evol. Optology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sight
  • Evol. Optometry - science of the evolution of examining the eyes
  • Evol. Orchidology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in orchids
  • Evol. Ornithology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in birds
  • Evol. Orology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mountains
  • Evol. Orthoepy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in correct pronunciation
  • Evol. Orthography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in spelling
  • Evol. Orthopterology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cockroaches
  • Evol. Oryctology - study of the evolution of mineralogy or paleontology
  • Evol. Osmics - scientific study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in smells
  • Evol. Osmology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in smells and olfactory processes
  • Evol. Osphresiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the sense of smell
  • Evol. Osteology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bones
  • Evol. Otology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the ear
  • Evol. Otorhinolaryngology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ear, nose and throat
  • Evol. Paedology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in children
  • Evol. Paidonosology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in children's diseases; pediatrics
  • Evol. Palaeoanthropology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in early humans
  • Evol. Palaeobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fossil plants and animals
  • Evol. Palaeoclimatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient climates
  • Evol. Palaeolimnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient fish
  • Evol. Palaeolimnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient lakes
  • Evol. Palaeontology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fossils
  • Evol. Palaeopedology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in early soils
  • Evol. Paleobotany - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient plants
  • Evol. Paleo-osteology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient bones
  • Evol. Palynology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in pollen
  • Evol. Papyrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in paper
  • Evol. Paradoxology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in paradoxes
  • Evol. Parapsychology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in unexplained mental phenomena
  • Evol. Parasitology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in parasites
  • Evol. Paroemiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in proverbs
  • Evol. Parthenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in virgins
  • Evol. Pataphysics - science of the evolution of imaginary solutions
  • Evol. Pathology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in disease
  • Evol. Patrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in early Christianity
  • Evol. Pedagogics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in teaching
  • Evol. Pedology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in soils
  • Evol. Pelology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mud
  • Evol. Penology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in crime and punishment
  • Evol. Periodontics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in gums
  • Evol. Peristerophily - study of the evolution of pigeon-collecting
  • Evol. Pestology - science of the evolution of pests
  • Evol. Petrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rocks
  • Evol. Pharmacognosy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in drugs of animal and plant origin
  • Evol. Pharmacology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in drugs
  • Evol. Pharology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in lighthouses
  • Evol. Pharyngology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the throat
  • Evol. Phenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in organisms as affected by climate
  • Evol. Phenomenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in phenomena
  • Evol. Philately - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in postage stamps
  • Evol. Philematology - act or study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in kissing
  • Evol. Phillumeny - study of the evolution of the collecting of matchbox labels
  • Evol. Philology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ancient texts; historical linguistics
  • Evol. Philosophy - science of the evolution of knowledge or wisdom
  • Evol. Phoniatrics - study of the evolution of the study and correction of speech defects
  • Evol. Phonology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in speech sounds
  • Evol. Photobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in effects of light on organisms
  • Evol. Photonics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in photons
  • Evol. Phraseology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in phrases
  • Evol. Phrenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bumps on the head
  • Evol. Phycology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in algae and seaweeds
  • Evol. Physics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in properties of matter and energy
  • Evol. Physiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in processes of life
  • Evol. Phytology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in plants; botany
  • Evol. Piscatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fishes
  • Evol. Pisteology - science or study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in faith
  • Evol. Planetology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in planets
  • Evol. Plutology - study of the evolution of the political economy; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wealth
  • Evol. Pneumatics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mechanics of gases
  • Evol. Podiatry - study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody
  • Evol. Podology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the feet
  • Evol. Polemology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in war
  • Evol. Pomology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fruit-growing
  • Evol. Posology - science of the evolution of quantity or dosage
  • Evol. Potamology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rivers
  • Evol. Praxeology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in practical or efficient activity; science of efficient action
  • Evol. Primatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in primates
  • Evol. Proctology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rectum
  • Evol. Prosody - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in versification
  • Evol. Protistology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in protists
  • Evol. Proxemics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in man’s need for personal space
  • Evol. Psalligraphy - study of the evolution of the art of paper-cutting to make pictures
  • Evol. Psephology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in election results and voting trends
  • Evol. Pseudology - study of the evolution of the art or science of lying
  • Evol. Pseudoptics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in optical illusions
  • Evol. Psychobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in biology of the mind
  • Evol. Psychogenetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in internal or mental states
  • Evol. Psychognosy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mentality, personality or character
  • Evol. Psychology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mind
  • Evol. Psychopathology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in mental illness
  • Evol. Psychophysics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in link between mental and physical processes
  • Evol. Pteridology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ferns
  • Evol. Pterylology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in distribution of feathers on birds
  • Evol. Pyretology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fevers
  • Evol. Pyrgology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in towers
  • Evol. Pyroballogy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in artillery
  • Evol. Pyrography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in woodburning
  • Evol. Pyrotechnics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in combustion through fire or explosions
  • Evol. Quinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in quinine.
  • Evol. Quantum Mechanics - a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles.
  • Evol. Queer theory - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Evol. Raciology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in racial differences
  • Evol. Radiochemistry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ordinary chemical reactions under radioactive circumstances
  • Evol. Radiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in X-rays and their medical applications
  • Evol. Reflexology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in reflexes
  • Evol. Rhabdology - knowledge or learning concerning divining rods
  • Evol. Rhabdology - study of the evolution of the art of calculating using numbering rods
  • Evol. Rheology - science of the evolution of the deformation or flow of matter
  • Evol. Rheumatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rheumatism
  • Evol. Rhinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the nose
  • Evol. Rhochrematics - science of the evolution of inventory management and the movement of products
  • Evol. Robotics - deals with the evolution of the designing, construction, and operation of robots.
  • Evol. Runology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in runes
  • Evol. Sarcology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fleshy parts of the body
  • Evol. Satanology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the devil
  • Evol. Scatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in excrement or obscene literature
  • Evol. Schematonics - study of the evolution of the art of using gesture to express tones
  • Evol. Sciagraphy - study of the evolution of the art of shading
  • Evol. Scripophily - study of the evolution of the collection of bond and share certificates
  • Evol. Sedimentology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sediment
  • Evol. Seismology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in earthquakes
  • Evol. Selenodesy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the shape and features of the moon
  • Evol. Selenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the moon
  • Evol. Semantics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in meaning
  • Evol. Semantology - science of the evolution of meanings of words
  • Evol. Semasiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in meaning; semantics
  • Evol. Semiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in signs and signals
  • Evol. Semiotics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in signs and symbols
  • Evol. Serology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in serums
  • Evol. Sexology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sexual behaviour
  • Evol. Siderography - study of the evolution of the art of engraving on steel
  • Evol. Siderology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in iron and its alloys, including steel
  • Evol. Sigillography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in seals
  • Evol. Significs - science of the evolution of meaning
  • Evol. Silvics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tree's life
  • Evol. Sindonology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the shroud of Turin
  • Evol. Sinology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in China
  • Evol. Sitology - study of the evolution of dietetics
  • Evol. Sociobiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in biological basis of human behaviour
  • Evol. Sociology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in society
  • Evol. Somatology - science of the evolution of substances
  • Evol. Sophiology - science of the evolution of ideas
  • Evol. Soteriology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in theological salvation
  • Evol. Spectrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ghosts
  • Evol. Spectroscopy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in spectra
  • Evol. Speleology - study of the evolution of the exploration of caves
  • Evol. Spermology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in seeds
  • Evol. Sphagnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in peat moss
  • Evol. Sphragistics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in seals and signets
  • Evol. Sphygmology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the pulse
  • Evol. Splanchnology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the entrails or viscera
  • Evol. Spongology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sponges
  • Evol. Stasiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in political parties
  • Evol. Statics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in bodies and forces in equilibrium
  • Evol. Stellar Astronomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in stars, their origins, and their evolution.
  • Evol. Stemmatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in relationships between text
  • Evol. Stoichiology - science of the evolution of elements of animal tissues
  • Evol. Stomatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the mouth
  • Evol. Storiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in folk tales
  • Evol. Stratigraphy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in geological layers or strata
  • Evol. Stratography - study of the evolution of the art of leading an army
  • Evol. Stylometry - studying literature by means of statistical analysis
  • Evol. Suicidology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in suicide
  • Evol. Supramolecular chemistry - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the chemistry of assembled molecular sub-units
  • Evol. Symbology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in symbols
  • Evol. Symptomatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in symptoms of illness
  • Evol. Synecology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in ecological communities
  • Evol. Synectics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in processes of invention
  • Evol. Syntax - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in sentence structure
  • Evol. Syphilology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in syphilis
  • Evol. Systematics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the diversification of living forms, both past and present
  • Evol. Systematology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in systems
  • Evol. Taxidermy - study of the evolution of the art of curing and stuffing animals
  • Evol. Taxonomy - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in plant, animals and microorganisms classification
  • Evol. Tectonics - science of the evolution of structure of objects, buildings and landforms
  • Evol. Tegestology - study of the evolution of, and collecting of, beer mats
  • Evol. Teleology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in final causes; analysis in terms of purpose
  • Evol. Telmatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in swamps
  • Evol. Tempestology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tropical cyclones, e.g. hurricanes
  • Evol. Teratology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in birth defects and later abnormalities in living organisms
  • Evol. Teuthology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cephalopods
  • Evol. Textology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the production of texts
  • Evol. Thalassography - science of the evolution of the sea
  • Evol. Thanatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in death and its customs
  • Evol. Thaumatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in miracles
  • Evol. Theology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in religion; religious doctrine
  • Evol. Theriatrics - study of the evolution of veterinary medicine
  • Evol. Theriogenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animals' reproductive systems
  • Evol. Thermodynamics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in relation of heat to motion
  • Evol. Thermokinematics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in motion of heat
  • Evol. Thermology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in heat
  • Evol. Therology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wild mammals
  • Evol. Thremmatology - science of the evolution of breeding domestic animals and plants
  • Evol. Threpsology - science of the evolution of nutrition
  • Evol. Tidology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tides
  • Evol. Timbrology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in postage stamps
  • Evol. Tocology - study of the evolution of obstetrics and midwifery
  • Evol. Tokology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in childbirth
  • Evol. Tonetics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in pronunciation
  • Evol. Topology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in places and their natural features
  • Evol. Toponymics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in place-names
  • Evol. Toreutics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in artistic work in metal
  • Evol. Toxicology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in poisons
  • Evol. Toxophily - love of archery; archery; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in archery
  • Evol. Traumatology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wounds and their effects
  • Evol. Tribology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in friction and wear between surfaces
  • Evol. Trichology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in hair and its disorders
  • Evol. Trophology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in nutrition
  • Evol. Tsiganology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in respected members of society
  • Evol. Turbology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in tornadoes
  • Evol. Turnery - study of the evolution of the art of turning in a lathe
  • Evol. Typhlology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in blindness and the blind
  • Evol. Typography - study of the evolution of the art of printing or using type
  • Evol. Typology (disambiguation) - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in types of things
  • Evol. Uranography - study of the evolution of descriptive astronomy and mapping
  • Evol. Uranology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the heavens; astronomy
  • Evol. Urbanology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in cities
  • Evol. Urenology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in rust molds
  • Evol. Urology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in urine; urinary tract
  • Evol. Venereology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in venereal disease
  • Evol. Vexillology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in flags
  • Evol. Victimology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in victims
  • Evol. Vinology - scientific study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in vines and winemaking
  • Evol. Virology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in viruses
  • Evol. Vitrics - glassy materials; glassware; study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in glassware
  • Evol. Volcanology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in volcanoes
  • Evol. Vulcanology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in volcanoes
  • Evol. Xylography - study of the evolution of the art of engraving on wood
  • Evol. Xylology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in wood
  • Evol. Zenography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in the planet Jupiter
  • Evol. Zooarchaeology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animal remains of archaeological sites
  • Evol. Zoochemistry - study of the evolution of the chemistry of animals
  • Evol. Zoogeography - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in geographic distribution of animals
  • Evol. Zoogeology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in fossil animal remains
  • Evol. Zoology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animals
  • Evol. Zoonomy - study of the evolution of animal physiology
  • Evol. Zoonosology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animal diseases
  • Evol. Zoopathology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animal diseases
  • Evol. Zoophysics - the evolution of the physics of animal bodies
  • Evol. Zoophysiology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in physiology of animals
  • Evol. Zoophytology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in plant-like animals
  • Evol. Zoosemiotics - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in animal communication
  • Evol. Zootaxy - science of the evolution of classifying animals
  • Evol. Zootechnics - science of the evolution of breeding animals
  • Evol. Zygology - science of the evolution of joining and fastening
  • Evol. Zymology - science of the evolution of fermentation
  • Evol. Zymurgy - branch of chemistry dealing with the evolution of brewing and distilling
  • Evol. Zythology - study of the evolutionary processes which resulted in beer
That's a start, at least.

Re: [2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:33 pm
by NeatNit
How did you make this list?

Re: [2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:42 pm
by Tony
NeatNit wrote:How did you make this list?
I just grabbed a copy of Wikipedia's index of branches of science and programmatically replaced certain expressions, then eyeballed it for correctness.

Re: [2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 7:00 pm
by StCredZero
This list can't be complete. There are no 2nd components beginning with the letters "ev"

Re: [2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 2:42 am
by Tony
StCredZero wrote:This list can't be complete. There are no 2nd components beginning with the letters "ev"
Of course it isn't complete, StCredZero--hence the ending line:
Tony wrote:That's a start, at least.
And it's only a list of branches of science, so I didn't include "Evolutionary Plumbing", "Evolutionary Cinematography", or "Evolutionary Sanitation".

I also didn't include any recursively evolutionary fields, such as "Evolutionary Evolutionary Biology" or even "Evolutionary Evolution", either of which might be what you were looking for.

Please post an updated, truly comprehensive list. Once you've done that, I promise to return all the money that the Weinersmith Foundation paid me to compose mine.

Re: [2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 8:13 am
by Kit.
We can just start with the first transfinite evolutionary field, Evolutiology. In a sense, it is an evolutionary version of every field.

Re: [2018-04-22] To Be Or Not To Be

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2023 4:18 am
by Guest