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Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:05 pm
by Oldrac the Chitinous
Edminster wrote:I always figured that 'gorram' was just 'god damn' as spoken after centuries of corruption, and not anything to do with Mandarin.
Oldrac? Brilliant post. I am sure Ahmet will be pleased to hear his future. ...I'm also going to edit the post to make it clear that you're talking about Zach in the second sentence, as it was decidedly vague.
Thanks, Boss! I'm glad you approve. New as I am around these parts, I think I'm going to be mostly restricted to writing about the future. (I suspect most historians don't have this problem.) In the bit about the second sentence, are you referring to the KWN Procedure? I left that deliberately vague, so that if people wanted to introduce another Weiner later in the game, they'd have the option. But, I'm not dead-set against changing it, either.
Oh, and yeah. The only end-of-syllable consonant that Mandarin has is '-n.' (Well, and '-ng.') It's kind of like Japanese or Italian in that respect. I dunno what's up with Cantonese, though.
AHMETxRock wrote:I knew better than to try and do one about myself. Also, PIG IRON?
What? Who doesn't like pig iron? Everybody likes pig iron.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:13 pm
by AHMETxRock
Edminster wrote:As it stands, I'm uncomfortable with how much the ACV entry seems to contradict the events set out in the Apostasy Trials of 2051-2052. Fortunately, the ACV were limited to on-forum activity whereas the Trials were primarily conducted in the Real World.
I made my golden age end at a bit after the trials on purpose. It was my intention that someone would interpret the Apostasy Trials as part of the infighting near the end of the ACV's power. If anyone opposes the union of these two concepts, speak now, or forever hold my peace.
mountainmage wrote:I'm kind of picturing the forum AS a world though. Hence why all of the sub-forums are cities in my article. Zach is a god and he created a world called "The Forum." See what I'm getting at?
I'm thinking that the two did exist seperately in the "past", but the two were immersed and intertwined, and in the "present", are not able to be seperated.
Oldrac the Chitinous wrote:
AHMETxRock wrote:I knew better than to try and do one about myself. Also, PIG IRON?
What? Who doesn't like pig iron? Everybody likes pig iron.
I momentarily confused it for a food product. I apologize.
AHMETxPositron should consist primarily of a gold-titanium alloy fiberoptic metal, as a minimum.

Authors Comments: There is some dispute as to the relationship between members of the Triumvirate during and after the war years. Many sources claim that the three had maintained a solid and unfaltering truce for the rest of their reign, however some evidence has been shed suggesting that bitter infighting was the norm one the Triumvirate were away from public eyes. The validity of this evidence, however, is unconfirmed.[/quote]
I took this primarily as my way of linking the two. I could somehow tie the ACV with the Triumvirate, but I'd have to make it so that things I write about the ACV would need to be combined with the things Sahan made, and might make the Triumvirate less fun to do.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:54 pm
by mountainmage
We know you don't eat pork, so it would be kind of odd/funny/ironic(?) for your character to be made of a pork by-product (I guess?).

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:04 pm
by Edminster
Cirtur wrote:I really like the factions idea though, that we choose a side to write our articles from instead of being scholars.
I take it you live in a beautiful dreamworld where every scholar automatically agrees with each other? That must be nice.

All snark and rudeness aside, being a Scholar does not mean that you are completely objective. Remember the phrase "History is written by the Winners'? This is the perfect opportunity to be a winner. Shade your interpretations, slant your findings, throw objectivity out the window.
Oldrac the Chitinous wrote:In the bit about the second sentence, are you referring to the KWN Procedure? I left that deliberately vague, so that if people wanted to introduce another Weiner later in the game, they'd have the option. But, I'm not dead-set against changing it, either.
No, that was fine. I was actually talking to Mage on that point, as he had referenced a mystery person in his entry. This has since been corrected.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:24 pm
by Lethal Interjection
Question: Is my article too contradictory. I didn't mean it to be, but I don't think I quite understood the comprehensiveness (something I'm understanding more with everyone's posts) and alphabetical progression and I'm worried that it really throws a wrench in the game.
I'm all for deletion of the thread if that is the case. I have no problem starting from scratch.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:30 pm
by Edminster
It's been written, and it does not directly contradict anything that has been set down already. Now it's on everybody else to figure out a way to mesh it in with everything else. If you're really concerned about it, I would suggest editing to bring it more in line with what everybody is saying, but I think it is fine as is.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:55 pm
by Cirtur
I have several questions. Will this be a wiki at the end of the game? Is there a prize for the winner? What is the prize? Shipping to the UK is quite expensive know? Well I guess if you're all clubbing together to buy me it then it's ok but where would I put it? And what would I use a gold plated rent boy for?

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:15 am
by AHMETxRock
Cirtur wrote:
Edminster wrote:Unless someone just wants to be a dick.
Enter Cirtur!

My great-great-great grandfather was indeed quite the troublemaker.
Haha. That was perfect.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:22 am
by Edminster
Answered your questions in the OP, Cirtur.

So, I'm wanting to start the next turn on Friday. However, we need to know who is writing the entry for the Battle of Team Fortress before we begin. Remember, Lethal Interjection is specifically barred from writing it. First person to post that he is writing it gets the job.

Turn 'B' will begin at 00:00 GMT on Friday 20 February 2009

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:15 am
by Sahan
My knowledge of TF2 is limited and I wasn't around when you guys did that, so I'll pass.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:54 am
by mountainmage
I was around but I never participated and I've never played it, so, pass.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:08 am
by Lethal Interjection
I forgot that I am barred from it, but specifically included it because I am not at all familiar with TF (and never played it) and thought it should be brought in to the wiki as it was a part of the forum.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:21 am
by Edminster
Nor have I, and I'm starting to think that none of the current players have either. I'm going to PM some of the people who do play to see if they are up to writing an entry.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:51 pm
by AHMETxRock
Seeing as how Zach linked us, I hope you have a plan to handle the flooding of newbies.
They might want to participate, but get discouraged when you mod them out of existance for not reading the rules.

Re: Lexicon!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:28 pm
by Edminster
I was going to say something along the lines of 'Oh, it won't be that bad', but I just looked and saw that since Zach announced it, 116 people have joined the forums. And the number just keeps getting bigger every time I refresh the memberlist. We're up to 121 now, and I hope they all read the rules.

If entries are posted that do not follow the rules, they will be edited until they do. If that's not possible, then they get modded into the rubbish bin. Simple as that.

For all the shy ones out there, go ahead and introduce yourself to the Forum as a whole, and if you want to play along in Lexicon, express your interest here..