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Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:29 am
by Kimra
I only use my 'real name' e-mail address on important things. So feel honoured SMBC.

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:53 pm
by Sahan
My old email included my real name in with some added stuff. I then changed email address because the notifications from Facebook were really annoying me.

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:58 pm
by Kimra
Sahan wrote:My old email included my real name in with some added stuff. I then changed email address because the notifications from Facebook were really annoying me.
You can turn them off, you know?

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:12 pm
by Sahan
Too lazy, plus at the time I thought it would be nice to be kept in the loop, but also be able to find more important emails without having to scan through a sea of Facebook spam. Also, someone I knew that I wanted to talk to on MSN told me that for some reason I never appeared as online when I actually was, so it all added up to me getting a new email address.

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:26 pm
by Kimra
I have mostly kept my oldest e-mail address (about 14 years again) because that's where all my praise and adulation is sent. Even if it's 10 year old praising me I'm still going to accept it. Today I got:

"Hi...idk if you'll read this but i just want to say your story is amazing... ...I really think your and amazing writer and i know this will sound a bit waid but thank you so much for writing it and allowing others to read it... ...i just wanted to complement on your writing!AMAZING JOB>"*

"I absolutely LOVE this story :) it's one of my favorites! I really hope you will finish it one day, and i hope even more that I'll even read the published version!"

I shall never give up this e-mail address.

*at last someone with grammar and spelling worse than mine but still complimenting so I love them no matter what.

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:48 pm
by smiley_cow
I never give up old emails, but I keep getting new ones. I'm now up to four that I check on a daily basis, one yahoo, one hotmail, one gmail, and a student account at my university I've started giving out.

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:55 pm
by Cirtur
I just have a lot of gmail addresses that all redirect to one email account.

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:42 pm
by mountainmage
Kimra wrote:I have mostly kept my oldest e-mail address (about 14 years again) because that's where all my praise and adulation is sent. Even if it's 10 year old praising me I'm still going to accept it.
What story are they talking about?

Re: For students!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:18 pm
by Kimra
mountainmage wrote:
Kimra wrote:I have mostly kept my oldest e-mail address (about 14 years again) because that's where all my praise and adulation is sent. Even if it's 10 year old praising me I'm still going to accept it.
What story are they talking about?
After a long debate about stories I wrote three years ago (and longer) I will admit to having written Sailor Moon fan fiction. Also I wrote my most popular one, with the specific purpose of getting reviews (not the purpose of writing a good story). So far it's worked, but that means it has the writing awesome of Twilight and other bad popular crap. Kimra's really bad (and long) Sailor Moon story.

But also for my really bad fantasy (i.e. magic) story. Which has so many plot holes you could fall through them and end up in an alternate reality. Also... romance centric, because I like that sort of thing. One day I shall edit and re-write it and it will be awesome. link

If anyone actually wants to read something I've written that I think is decent (not good, just decent) then I recommend this one. It has three reviews, as opposed to the thousand I have for the Sailor Moon one.


Re: For students!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:59 am
by LordRetard
I remember my parents ended up digging up a bunch of my old stories from somewhere in the house from when I was about 10 or so. They're full of the sort of things a 10-year-old would write, and I need not embarrass myself telling you all about them (Actually I just don't want to). But the funny thing is that they're talking to 18-year-old me, saying how proud they were that I was able to string together something so sophisticated (plot-wise) when I was only 10, when Dan Brown is in his 40s and he still can't do it. I don't remember where I left the story but I remember that the plot had something to do with space aliens.

(Also, it's nearly typo-free, since my spelling has remained just about as good as it was back then. The only difference is that back then I could only do about 80 words per minute back then. I didn't have a lot of hobbies as a kid.)