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I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:59 pm
by AHMETxRock
So yeah, I'm not doing so well. Severe Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and it turns out I'm bipolar. I didn't understand what that meant as a kid. God damn that would have made a ton of things make more sense.

Store next door? Gonna become a hookah bar / Go go girl club. They're paying the landlord to use the backyard for table space, so we're going to lose that. The shower leaks, and there's a good patch of the cieling that came down, making the living room unlivibale to me, with my severe allergies, for an entire month almost now. Not to mention being woken up by parts of your ceiling being torn the fuck off with the house shaking to stop the leaks that have been dripping into the living room.

Things only get worse and worse. Two days ago I fried four Taquitos, but then yesturday I tried frying some hot dogs and hashbrowns too and I totally fucked that shit up. Feels bad man.

My mother got denied assistance for physical therapy, so she might need to stop. Money's not good. I'll try to get a job if possible. I might not even be able to afford therapy either.

I have no one else to talk to. I tried with my now closest friend and he freaked out. I don't blame him.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:13 pm
by smiley_cow
AHMETxRock wrote: I have no one else to talk to. I tried with my now closest friend and he freaked out. I don't blame him.
People get really weird about things like depression, they don't understand that sometimes people get overwhelmed and need to share the burden. And often times it's like going through everything all over again just to make them understand. But most people eventually get over it and come around, hopefully so will your friend and he'll be able to be some kind of support to you, though it may take time. And not everyone is going to freak out when you tell them you're having issues like this, sometimes it just takes finding the right kind of person.

Honestly Ahmet, it sounds like you've got it rough at the moment, I hope things get better for you soon.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:02 pm
by Kovvy
I hope things get better for you soon. Maybe a job would help-- a change of pace can help change your perspective.
I know I'm pretty new here and all, but if it would help you could PM me anytime.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:30 pm
by Comrade_249
I thought by the title that this was going to be all happy and shit. I was wrong.

Well if it makes you feel any better I just lost my house and my uncle on the other side of the world has cancer. No kidding. >___>

But if your best friend shies off from conversation, he probably isn't that much of a friend.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:55 pm
by Kimra
Hey dude, sounds like you're having a shit time of it. Especially that Reeces Ice Cream thing. I mean that has peanut butter flavour. Ick.

In all seriousness, it sounds like things are rough for you right now. Sometimes it's hard to remember to breath and sometimes it's harder to believe there's a reason to. But there is. All this shit right now? It is all temporary. Maybe not tomorrow, but a day that follows that things will look brighter, and things will be brighter.

Friends are idiots who are just as human as the rest of us, and they freak out about things we wouldn't expect them to freak out about. And they mess up when we don't want them to. Sometimes your friends are just not able to deal with talking about important things. I don't know the American system very well but there is going to be somewhere where you can talk to someone about your problems, in a non-biased, non-judgemental environment. Feel free to talk to us, no doubt. But there are trained people who do voluntary work all over the world, and online. If you're interested and you don't feel up for looking yourself, I can do a more intensive search and find you somewhere in your city or on the internet that might be able to help out.

On the other hand you just joined a giant growing club of people with mental disorders. I too am a member. You'll learn the secret handshake a bit later on, and you will be awed by the secretness of it.

Regarding your landlord: Make sure your not paying the same amount of rent if you loose access to the garden/backyard. And get that bitch to fix your house! It's his job. Shower leaking isn't such a horrible thing (doesn't everyone's shower leak?), but a hole in the roof? That's just crazy. Or it's currently being fixed and I misread that line. -_- It's possible. Very possible. And if it's currently being fixed? Then excellent, soon it wont be a problem at all!

Frying hot dogs? Seriously? Don't you like boil them or something? I am in awe of you. :D And dude. Doesn't matter how much you cook, or make food, you always screw things up. That just happens. Two seconds of distraction and you've lost a whole meal. I curse those days so hard you wouldn't believe it.

Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. But make sure you look at each hurdle as a small obstacle rather than piling them up high and making them insurmountable. I hope your mother is okay. I don't know the system you're in very well, but perhaps you (or she) need to call up the people who denied her assistance and get more information etc. I just know that if you are denied something like that here there is always someone else you can complain to, or demand answers from. Sometimes your lucky and you find the right person who can actually help you. But, yeah, I don't know jack about the whole situation so I'm just offering possible options.

Look after yourself Ahmet. :)

p.s. Just incase there's any confusion: I was being serious about the Reece's sucking.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:21 am
by FengharTheNord

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:02 am
by Kimra

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:28 am
by smiley_cow

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:48 am
by Kimra

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:19 am
by DonRetrasado
Things are rough everywhere, man. I don't look so great myself some days. Anyway, we're always here to talk.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:53 pm
by Sahan
Sorry to hear it, I hope things will get better now that you're diagnosed. I know things are probably very rough at the moment, but hopefully they'll start picking themselves up soon and when they do, you'll feel a lot better because THEY TRIED TO BEAT YOU DOWN BUT YOU JUST HUNG ON IN THERE AND NOW YOU CAN STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK AND TAKE A PISS ON THEM AND SHIT.

Yeah. Here's hoping life turns itself right back up.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:56 pm
by Amerika


Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:33 pm
by AHMETxRock
I've always known I was depressed. I'm bipolar as well though. Was reading through my papers when I was young and saw BIPOLAR. I'm like, shit.

Ya know what else is shit? Your advice, Kimra. Fuck you. Reeses is fucking awesome.

Good luck with the uncle man. I don't have a close relationship with many of my relatives. There are people with it worse than me.

It wasn't just a friend, it was my ex. We had a good friendly relationship for a long time, and my stronger meds makes me feel better. I don't cry all the time anymore. Basically she'll be friends with me as long as she doesn't need to get involved with my problems. When I'm strong enough to not want her to help me anymore, I'll decide if we're really friends or not.

I'm probably going to COMIC CON GUYS.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:34 pm
by Kimra
AHMETxRock wrote:I'm probably going to COMIC CON GUYS.
Then how could you possibly be sad?!

I wouldn't be sad if I was going to comic con. Or Dragon con. Or... any convention that wasn't piss poor and tiny in a country where people are lame and suck.

And my advise was fucken awesome. Fucken awesome I tell you. Look how many words I put into that, I deserve at least a Credit for that, I don't expect a High Distinction or anything, but a Credit for sure.* Maybe even a tl;dr.

I end with only four words of wisdom:
Death to all Reese's**

*Credit =65%+
**I agonised ove the punctuation, then remembered I didn't care. Yay.

Re: I had Reeces for breakfast. Reeces ICE CREAM. Worship me

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 1:13 pm
by Apocalyptus