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Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:01 am
by Kidd
Hmm, this is true. And makes me want a potato. If anyone can argue that a baked potato isn't the greatest food on this planet, well, then do your best.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:08 am
by Asherian
*Grin* and here I expected cries of racist! for the potato comment, I almost said whiskey or guinness but that seemed a bit more flamatory.

I love me potatos, especially campfire style baked. Other food I like a lot more though. (Campfire baked is where you take the potato, cut it open fill it with stuff wrap it in a ton of tinfoil bury it then put a fire on top it, reclaim in morning for sheer tasty!)

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:11 am
by Kidd
Well, my parents and whatnot are Irish (My father is an Irish Cowboy. Go figure.) I saw potato and found no way it could be racist. Potatoes are just that good.

And that sounds delicious. I would try it, but I don't have the patience to wait that long for a delicious potato.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:26 am
by Asherian
*Grin* I'm just part irish, from australia so not even straight lines. I still love me my potatoes and booze though. Red hair still runs naturally in the family too, though its relatively rare.

Whats wrong with an irish cowboy? Seems perfectly natural. Also explains why your so darn skinny at 6'2", seems like most irish boys I meet have the metabolism thing going for them. (I do pity you, though 138 still sounds Far to little for that height, are you hollow boned too?)

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:30 am
by Kidd
I don't think I'm hollow boned, but I probably am. I haven't broken many bones in my life (only 4 ribs, a collarbone twice, a finger, and tore my Meniscus in the left knee. Even though that's not a bone....)

I'm probably just going to end up going on a binge very, very soon and gorging on food to try to put on a little weight. You know, survive the winter and whatnot.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:38 am
by Asherian
*laugh* If you really want to put on weight start eating less. Binge once a day and gorge yourself then don't eat anything(just drink water) the rest of it. Slows down your metabolism, I've known other guys who had your problem it worked out decently to slow them down, though took a while and was highly unpleasant to say the least. Just eating a lot won't necessarily help if your metabolism doesn't slow down.

So many broken bones.. yep got to be hollow. The real question is if your skull still wins vs. concrete to follow irish tradition.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:42 am
by Kidd
I'm not looking to slow my metabolism down, is the problem. You see, I have this fear that when I get to like....30 or'll go away one day and I won't know it and all the years of trying to slow it will bite me in the ass. So I plan on working with my metabolism, eating a lot, gaining weight (it's possible, I just have to find where my amount of calories eaten > calories burned) and stay around there. I'll notice if it starts changing and be able to adjust.

That's a lot of broken bones? Oh, I didn't think so. Shit. And I've already tried that one, but I added monkey bars to the mix. Result: Severe concussion, three weeks of constant nightly monitoring.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:56 am
by Asherian
hehe, the other Irish guy I knew used to brag about it, the local playground(sorta park thing, it was an upscale one that charged money to go into.) for years and years had a block of concrete on the side where he'd taken a good chunk out of it with his forehead from a slide accident. Didn't crack/bruise the skull just cut open his skin/ectra there on his forehead. Sadly they replaced the block last year. As far if 30/40 it slowing down look at your family. Some guys I know with it it stays long term, all of them it runs in the family and their fathers/grandfathers are still skinny guys who eat to much except the occasional paunch. Yay genetics!

I dunno.. seems like a lot to me, but my family doesn't break bones. We snap them out of place, bruise, mutilate in other fashions. Then bones themselves never break though, overly dense/large. Also means we weigh 20lbs+ what we should/look like we do. Big boned doesn't mean fat, it means you have dense big bones.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:58 am
by Kidd
Well, I have a friend that breaks a bone every other day because he's stupid, so my view on amount of breaks being small is skewed.

We have taken over this board today.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:01 am
by Asherian
Its part of a programme I'm starting to completely de-rail any thread Ahmet's started.

Okay not really.. but it seems like a great excuse.

Hehe, most people are biast based on experience, so it goes.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:05 am
by Kidd
Well to continue this derailment;

My mom made some homemade Chex Mix. I made a giant bowl of it, added Marshmallows and M&M's and filled the bowl with milk. This is the greatest cereal ever.

I'm gonna pay for it later tonight though. I'm not lactose intolerant, but milk makes me very, very sick. Thank God I've been double-fisting TheraFlu like it was martinis all day.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:07 am
by cheez.wiz
Asherian wrote:Its part of a programme I'm starting to completely de-rail any thread Ahmet's started.
And that makes them different from any other thread here how?

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:49 am
by Asherian
Intent. Apparently that matters in some courts of law.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:31 pm
by Lethal Interjection
Asherian wrote:You didn't recognize arabians as a breed, so you failed any horse association being positive.

You know, oddly enough external beauty counts for little to nothing. Especially on the internet. Its not like we have any reason to believe you that your pretty, just that your conceited enough to think you are.
And, obviously pictures don't mean anything, for reasons of Google Image Search.

Re: Soap operas.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:07 pm
by ruotwocone
Kidd wrote:Well, my parents and whatnot are Irish (My father is an Irish Cowboy. Go figure.) I saw potato and found no way it could be racist. Potatoes are just that good.

And that sounds delicious. I would try it, but I don't have the patience to wait that long for a delicious potato.
uh, guys... potatoes are native to the Americas. Ireland's only had potatoes for about 400 years.